Indentifying Key Business Process

Yuk  belajar tentang Startup Pitch dan Bernetwork bersama para Community Representatives di acara Startup Huddle Jakarta kolaborasi dengan US Embassy (@america) . Tetap jaga protokol. Terlampir juga link untuk registrasi untuk hadir on-site:

Peppo mission is to facilitate digital nomad worker and business works together safer

Yeahhh!!!! Startup Huddle Jakarta Live at @america Jakarta . Very excited because all the community member (old and new) are very active giving feedback and insight to the founder who present their business idea. If you want to join as member , presenter or community representatif , you can DM me .

Thanks for all member always support me to hold this event as Official Organizer SHJ – Indonesia .

Startup Huddle Jakarta Collaboration with @america

Tuesday , 12 Juli 2022. 

Time : 18.30 – 21.00 PM

Ranza Primero – FOUNDER & CEO Peppo Indonesia

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